Monday, February 9, 2015

Meeting Details for February 19, 2015

Our next meeting is on February 19, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. at the West Des Moines Community Center, 134 6th Street, WDM (in Valley Junction) [click for map]. It is in the first block of 6th street, just north of Railroad Blvd and there is a good sized parking lot right next to the building.

Activity: Challenge Fabric

With our leftover dues funds from when we were an official guild...we bought fabric!! :) So at the upcoming meeting, we'll be spreading it out, cutting it up and sharing it with everyone who would like to participate in a challenge! There are no rules to follow, just make a quilted project using the fabrics in your little bundle. You can add your own fabrics as desired. Bring your completed project to the May 21 meeting for Show and Tell with the group. Your finished project is yours to keep, all we want to do is see it and hear about why & how you made it.

Note: If you will miss the meeting on February 19, but still want to participate in the swap, please let one of the steering committee members know before the meeting and we will set aside a set of fabrics for you.

Auction Quilt Project

Feel free to bring fabrics you are thinking of for the auction quilt project if you would like to swap some or get more to go with what you already have. Some members had thought it would a good idea to pass around what we have so that the fabric choices are well-blended and coordinated throughout.

If you have your blocks done already, good for you! Please bring them with for show and tell! Also, please leave a comment on the blog post about the project, so we include your block(s) in the count. Thank you!

Sewing Day

We are booked for the Sewing Day! On Saturday, February 21st, all DSMMQG members and friends are welcome to sew together at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 721 East 1st St., Ankeny, IA [click for map] from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Come for the whole day or come for just an hour or two, its up to you. Its free and no RSVP is necessary. Bring everything you need. Tables, chairs and lots of space are provided, but bring everything else!