And here's the little pile of pin cushions we started with...
Just a reminder, Melissa is still generously taking photos for us of every meeting! She gets all the beautiful show and tell moments...even though we talk and gesture and blink through her clicks. Make sure to check out or the photos tab from this page to see them.
Details for Our Next Meeting
Our next meeting is on May 21, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. at the Polk County Community Center, 134 6th Street, WDM (in Valley Junction) [click for map]. It is in the first block of 6th street, just north of Railroad Blvd and there is a good sized parking lot right next to the building. We will be in a different room this time, but there will be signs directing you when you get in the door. The theme for the evening is, of course, our Black & White Text Fabric Challenge pieces. Show and tell will center around those pieces and of course anything else you want to bring. Time to put on those finishing touches if you're not done already! This time you'll just have to show your pieces, not part with them. Although I'll miss the fun of swapping!
Speaking of swapping...Doris and the steering committee have begun arrangements with the Great Lakes Modern Quilt Guild in Michigan to do a swap between our members. We'll tell you more about it at the meeting. Some decisions are yet to be made, so we may discuss details such as timing and what to swap! Stay tuned.
Treats will be supplied by Jill and drinks by Carol. If we could have one more person to bring snacks, please let us know in the comments below. Thanks! Our July meeting needs snack & drink contributions as well.
Until next week, Happy Sewing!